Transcending the Human Drama Toward Self Love & Healing the Mother Wound to Save Ourselves and Humanity....Show starts at 12 noon

Show Music
Narayani by Devaa Haley
Guest Biography

Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide and host of Soul Nectar Show, is the #1 international best-selling author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama," "Awakening to Me: One Woman's Journey to Self Love," and "Love is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound." We'll chat today about What Indigenous People Can Teach Us to Save Ourselves which delves into embodiment, inner medicine, how our story influences our life experience, reducing stress and mental chatter and how we might evolve into homo luminous....the one who dreams the sacred dream of New Earth for our descendants seven generations to come.
Her other titles are: Inner Medicine: Becoming One With Mother Earth