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Scars of Body and Soul with Mary Gelfand & Why Women Need Goddess Pt 3 of 4

Writer's picture: Karen TateKaren Tate

Updated: Feb 7

Discussing the Scars of Body and Soul left on women and men living with the impact of patriarchy, including our relationship with our body that stems from patriarchal oppression.

Ordained interfaith Minister and Wiccan High Priestess, Mary F. Gelfand is a Unitarian Universalist/CUUPs national leader with a doctorate in education from Teachers College, Columbia who enjoys creating and leading learning opportunities for adults. Today we'll discuss the Scars of Body and Soul left on women and men living with the impact of patriarchy, including our relationship with our body that stems from patriarchal oppression. Mary believes our body is a roadmap of our life experiences and she'll explain what she means by that, as well as how women can learn to love their bodies.

Show Music

Nomad's Land by Zingaia

Guest Biography

Ordained interfaith Minister and Wiccan High Priestess, Mary F. Gelfand is a Unitarian Universalist/CUUPs national leader with a doctorate in education from Teachers College, Columbia. As a Unitarian Universalist, she has served in both local and national leadership roles, including 5 years as national board president of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. She is an experienced teacher of Cakes for the Queen of Heaven - adult education program focused on feminist thealogy and the Great Goddess. Mary regularly contributes to the online blog Feminism and Religion. A practicing Pagan, her spiritual life is rooted in the cycles and seasons of the natural world which are so abundantly visible in New England. She reads and teaches about feminist theology, The Great Goddess, mysticism and the mysteries of Tarot. As a fiber artist, she enjoys weaving tapestry and knitting gifts for strangers and friends.


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