Discussing the pros and cons of sisterhood and a new notion of "sistering" that might be a more hopeful path toward healing women's relationships with each other.

Guest Quote:
"Sisterhood is not about unity, about women coming together and agreeing about everything. It's about women acting in solidarity with each other, listening and responding, acting and advocating, showing up to do the work. Sisterhood is about honoring and acting on the obligation we have to each other. "
Beth Bartlett, Ph.D., is an educator, author, activist and spiritual companion. She is also Professor Emerita of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. She's authored numerous books and articles making her the perfect guest to discuss how patriarchy has been able to divide and conquer, turning women against each other by status, race, class, ethnicity and in competition for men.
Show Music
Om Sekhmet by Abigail Spinner McBride.....Find your Sacred Roar!
Guest Biography
Beth Bartlett, Ph.d., has authored Journey of the Heart: Spiritual Insights on the Road to a Transplant, Rebellious Feminism: Camus's Ethic of Rebellion and Feminist Thought, and Making Waves: Grassroots Feminism in Duluth and Superior. She's been active in feminist, peace and justice, and rights of nature and climate justice movements, and has been a committed advocate for the water protectors.