Toolbox for Transformation - Food for Your Brain - September 2024 Newsletter

Thanks for all your responses to my last newsletter about Being Stifled No More. I got an even larger response to that theme than the previous white women’s tears and spiritual bypassing topics a few months earlier. Your feedback helps me to know I’m sharing something of value with you. And speaking of sharing something of value, have you noticed I have a new format for my podcast? After probably 14 years interviewing guests 95% of the time, I’ve been encouraged to share more of the bees buzzing ‘round in my bonnet during a half-hour show on Wednesday mornings. The overall umbrella theme is I Am Enough and So Are You where I continue covering sex, power, religion and politics but you’ll get to hear my thoughts and the occasional guest. And no need for worry if you’ve been wanting to come back and listen to old shows because all the interviews, old and new, will remain accessible in the archives. And as I promised last newsletter, I’ll share about that strange and unnerving Akashic Records reading farther down below.
But first, I think the time has come for us to Chew Bubble Gum and Walk. What do I mean by that? Well, I know you’ve spent ages multi-tasking especially if you’re a woman, right? Here’s what I’m talking about. First, you’ve probably noticed the energy in the world is shifting. Maybe you realized it last month when Kamala came on the scene. We compressed time and jumped ahead in our evolution. We all felt it by whatever language we use to describe it. Next step is to simultaneously do two things: work like hell to get Kamala elected by whatever means you have available to you AND at the same time do it with joy, not fear. We don’t know what’s in store for us during the next few months. Astrologers think things are going to potentially be rocky. It’s important we don’t go to a place of fear and angst. Don’t doom scroll. Stay in gratitude. Remember what it felt like in those days immediately after Joe so patriotically and selflessly endorsed Kamala. Stay connected to the dream, your higher self, cloaked in the goodness and Oneness of the Universe. Know we will prevail with all the many forms of love. Karma is coming for all the hate. No matter what’s happening, good or not, stay in the flow, talk and dream about what the new world we’re going to manifest looks like. Put it out into the universe. Journal. Do guided journeys. Encourage your friends. We need the joy and optimism to counter the fear and worry we’ve had bottled up or might try to return. Maybe this is where those apolitical/neutral people can contribute. Pray and project positive energy and evolved consciousness.
Let’s all get our toenails painted blue, streak our hair blue, order your Proud Childless Cat Lady t-shirt and wear it to the grocery store. Take pictures of yourself at postcard parties and post on social media. Make up songs and dances and put it on Tik Tok. Talk, talk, talk to your friends or whoever will listen about what the new world is going to look like: No more hate. No more division. Working toward a world where greed and exploitation is taboo and considered a mental health disorder. Dream big people! We are evolving the planet – don’t stifle your dreams and ideas. The beginning of the new normal we’ve been talking about is so close can’t you taste it? Let’s put our energy-back to the wheel of progress and all push together in solidarity - while we’re carrying our signs and wearing our VOTE BLUE t-shirts!
Hey, and where are the Goddess Rising t-shirts and stickers and signs showing Kali, the Morrighan, Athena, Isis or Artemis helping us lead the way? Get crackin’ Goddess artists! SHE is rising. Let’s be sure we don’t forget the part She plays in this equation of human evolution as either deity, archetype/role model or ideal! Express yourself! Express your dreams and desires. We’ve hidden them under a bushel for the last 8 years afraid someone was going to try to intimidate or bully us.
Which brings me to the Akashic Records reading that blew me away.
I went into the reading asking why whenever I entered the records I felt a restriction in my throat. Well, about 5 minutes in, I started feeling as if my head was going to explode and my eyes were going to pop out of my head. I had strong gag-reflexes and feelings like I needed to cough some blockage out of my throat. It was terrifying at first but I got those sensations to subside and I asked what this was about. Show me please.
Well, to my surprise, I heard the message I was strangled in a past life by a man afraid I would tell his secrets. I was feeling/seeing back into the past when he killed me. I could almost see the hands on my neck! I asked when and where. All I got was it was in the 1920’s and to think about patterns, but then I saw a face from this life – which brings me to thoughts about why I’m always talking about non-disclosure agreements not being the benign corporate tool they used to be. They have become a tool of evil people hiding their evil or illegal deeds from the world. Makes me think this might have also inspired my last book, Normalizing Abuse and why I hate dishonesty and gaslighting so much! It’s all connected it seems. Patterns and inter-connections.
I’d never, never considered this “idea of strangulation” to be why I would get these restrictions in my throat during readings, but it has given me food for thought for sure. As a skeptical left-brained Virgo most of my life this is a big idea for me to swallow, but I have to say it resonated with me. It felt true in my bones. And now, when I go into my Akashic Record readings I don’t feel the throat restriction and maybe it’s a coincidence, but my thyroid is functioning normally now. Not making this up folks.
It’s really amazing the tools out there that we have at our disposal to know more about ourselves. There is so much to be joyous and in gratitude about.
Break our shackles! Sing it sisters and brothers – we’re manifesting a new normal. The new Age of Aquarius is upon us! Dance, move those hips, hands over your head and feel the music. We’re finally getting here. Let’s all sing….”This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius!” Remember that oldie but goodie? Gotta revive it and make it one of our sacred songs. Link:
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