Striking a Balance. Reaching for Tools to Cope. Using Discernment. Receiving Divine Guidance.
From Malaise to 5-Alarm Anxiety
As January 20th, Inauguration Day of Donald Trump approached I wrote and spoke about the numbness and malaise that was taking hold as we dealt with the reality of what might be ahead. Even though our Wise Ones told us we were living through the karma of the country, that we had to see and feel the dark under-belly in order to rid ourselves of it, and eventually we would come out the other side okay, it was still a difficult prospect to endure. Especially as we’d gotten a taste of what might have been only to have it stolen from us. Myself, I was filled with malaise. I wondered if and when I would again feel a glimmer of desire, hope and joy. And I responded by doing what Virgos do. I distracted myself with my plans to move forward.
I first decided to focus on what I could control in my orbit and made a rough sketch to get me started. And it was interesting that as I cut myself loose from some things, other things, even wonderful things, fell into my lap – including a book contract which I accepted. More on that magic to come in a future writing, but I had been thinking about the Law of Resonance; that the Universe, Goddess, Our Divine Self, whatever it is, gives us what WE ARE, not what we desire. And it seemed that’s what was happening. Myself, a long-time teacher about Goddess, some say a thought leader and light worker, was being given opportunities to write a new book, speak at conferences, be interviewed on podcasts and do local public work.
I sat down with my rough sketch of the roadmap ahead beyond the opportunities to teach and publish I wrote a rather extensive list of what I’d need to move forward. What became clear was I needed a great deal of technical help. Especially with social media. And what was the best way forward to get attention for my books with the market saturated with A-I and self published work out there. Do I start a Substack column for my sacred travel expertise and to promote my sacred places book? Do I begin to relaunch my abuse book this year or after Trump leaves office so I can update all the abuse and exploitation we are destined to endure? Do I even bother with Facebook when only a dozen of my thousands of friends seem to see my posts. One thing I did know was I’m not giving Zuckerberg any of my money for ads!
It was really hard to stay focused on the many layers involved with all these decisions, necessary actions and questions awaiting me while the uncertainty and destruction was raging in our political world. For all the warts and pimples our government might have had, it was comforting to know the “trains ran on time” and our Social Security checks would be in the mailbox. Eggs might be $10 a dozen some places but Americans had jobs and juvenile hacker friends of a ketamine addict weren’t running amok destroying the government while the man in the Oval Office was, as so many say by his deeds, an asset of Putin. Now all that certainty was disappearing as Republicans seem unconcerned about gutting the social safety net so many sick, poor and elderly people rely on and it was becoming harder to keep the 5-Alarm anxiety at bay.
But I was coping. I limited my news consumption and stuck with independent social media I trusted when I did engage. I was politically active by regularly participating in I was planning our local monthly women’s circle and salon as well as writing and recording episodes about sacred travel for my newsletter and on my podcast as a distraction for the month of March. Maybe reading and hearing about sacred travel stories might cheer people up! And I decided to take the time to perfect those recipes for babaganoush and gumbo I'd been meaning to get to for so long. I also took a free computer class given by the library, even though local Republicans were trying to sabotage that vital resource of the community, making it a bit hard to ignore GOP seeming determination to destroy education in our town. I started reading a book on Mary Magdalen with a friend for fun and began to delve again into the Annunaki and the Gnostic Gospels with a wonderful podcaster I just love by the name of Ellie Down Under. But I still wasn’t clear and certain about some things.
I shared that stuck feeling with a friend who is a sister Sekhmet devotee. She tipped me off to the Isis Oracle Deck she’d been using for daily guidance and the day it arrived I opened the box and the first words I saw were:
" I have loved you since ancient times, dear child of the light, Initiate of the Soul Path. I honour your light and seek to serve your growth. Even through darkest challenge, I am there with you, urging you to seek the light through the darkness and realise that you will always triumph with love in your heart. I honour your service to the path that I serve, the path of ancient feminine power, the path of healing, love and the mysteries of life, death and rebirth. Power to you, beloved Initiate, love to you. What joy there is in meeting you again this lifetime."
I felt the goose-bumps on my arms rising and I thought, “Okay, I remember. I got this.”
But I didn’t stop there. I’m also going to take my Sekhmet Sister’s advice about something else I’m sharing with you. She raved about a helpful and free online program offered by the Crappy Childhood Fairy. You can google her. I liked her vibe and earnest authenticity and you don’t have to buy anything to get the tools she’s offering. She gives advice on how to clear blockages and trauma using resentment and fear writing exercises along with a simple mantra meditation. It's done for 7 days and I’m told it will likely result in such good feelings of release I’ll want to do it everyday. So I’m going to try it and I’ll let you know how it goes. If you try it, let me know what you think. Now I want to be transparent. I don’t know the creatrix of the Isis Oracle deck (Alana Fairchild) nor do I know the Crappy Childhood Fairy (Anna Runkle). In the spirit of sisterhood and community, I’m paying forward the suggestions offered to me. I’m sharing with you the bees in my bonnet and how I’m coping on the chance it might help you put out this 5-Alarm fire of anxiety we are all feeling during this transitional time of ultimate abuse and exploitation by corrupt billionaires and politicians destroying the foundations of the country at home and abroad. Which, by the way, can be called a kakistocracy or kleptocracy. Two new words for our personal lexicons.
In conclusion, I will say I truly believe we will come out of this better than we believe. Better than we were. I'm told the Age of Aquarius is ushered in in response to the destruction. I’m hoping the nightmare will begin to look better in the coming months and certainly by the end of the year. It won’t be immediate but I believe this all has to happen for the revolution of thought that needs to occur for the majority of the country to get on the same page and row together in the same direction for the benefit of the common good. Of course there will always be the racists, Christian Nationalists, the misogynists, the homophobic and the haters of anyone and anything not like them. We have a lot of educating to do. There is a lot of grievance from people that were left behind but I believe we’re moving toward love with discernment. And by love, I mean agape. Not sentimental and heartfelt love for everyone, but an allowing of people to have the freedom to live their lives in dignity and with respect.
So...Let’s continue to help each other. Row in the same direction. Speak Up. Fight back. Go to a Bernie Sanders Town Hall. Maintain balance for self care. Use discernment. Get out your bucket list and do some of the things you’ve been wanting to do. Read. Cook. Create. Volunteer. Stay informed. Education and awareness don’t block the flow. They are high vibration acts that prevent us from making low vibration decisions. Action really helps with anxiety.
Until next time…remember to grab the joy from between the raindrops!